December PV Promotions

Young Living is rocking our socks off AGAIN with free Frankincense! This time, SACRED Frankincense! Young Living puts so much thought into these promos each month and they are giving us everything we need to stay happy and healthy this time of year!

Here’s some information from Nicole Dodge:

Nutmeg Vitality 5 ml: Adrenal Support Powerhouse! Around the holidays our adrenals can get taxed with later evenings and added stress; place a drop under your tongue or swap a drop in the inside of your cheek and thank me later. This will give you some added energy for the day too. Also supports the production of melatonin – the hormone of SLEEP!! Good sleep = a supported immune system!!

Northern Lights Black Spruce 5 ml: Did you know the ENTIRE tree is in this bottle- from needle to root?! (Not so from other companies!!) This oil is a big emotional oil – used to release emotional blocks and brings feelings of balance and grounding. This oil has the capacity to make you feel grounded and elevated at the same time. This oil is a must in so many of my favorite holiday diffuser blends!

 Lemon 15 ml: Energy boost wanted? Diffuse lemon! It’ll kick ya into gear and make you smile. Emotionally helps open you & increase focus. It’s high in d-limonene (go Google what that does) and I promise you want ALL of the d-limonene! Use a drop of the Vitality label in honey or warm tea for a soothing effect on the throat & chest this time of year! Need to get things clean? Lemon oil will take sharpie/marker stain right out! We love to diffuse this first thing in the morning because it just gets us up and active and going – all citrus oils are mood supporters – so start your day out right with some Lemon oil.

Life 9: Oh I am so excited about this supplement for FREE! This is something that I use every. single. day. This high potency probiotic supports the digestive system. Did you know your gut is the command center of the immune system? And for the gut to function like a PRO, probiotics are needed for every intestinal function. YEP! So we gotta support that gut health to support the rest of the body! Added sugar and stress from the holidays and just the daily grind of life, and well, let’s be honest, not everyone makes the best meal choices 100% of the time, can lead to an unhappy gut. Life 9 contains 9 active strains of GOOD bacteria in a delayed-release capsule with 17 billion active cultures. I love to take this supplement at night when my gut and body does its repairing while I sleep. Easy to use for kids by opening the capsule up and adding to yogurt or apple sauce!

 Sacred Frankincense 15ml: OMG! This oil alone is worth $89.75 wholesale! People, if you thought last month was amazing with free Frankincense, this month just got EVEN better because when you go Sacred Frank, you never go back. Sacred Frank is regarded as one of the rarest and most sought-after aromatics in existence.  Friends, Young Living’s Sacred Frank is the first Omani Frankincense to be available to those outside of the Saudi royals and the privileged Oman.  So why is this oil so sought after? Well, it is amazing for the skin, it is calming, and wonderful for sleep. It is relaxing and meditative. It promotes higher states of spiritual awareness and higher levels of consciousness. And maybe check out some resources like pubmed’s website and do a little research to learn a bit more about why this oil is literally “Sacred.”

Who else is ordering 300PV to get $167 worth of goodies for free?! You can NOT pass up on free Frank!