May PV Promotions


If you’re new here, I’m gonna fill you in. Every month Young Living gives us amazing products for FREE when you order a certain PV amount. These freebies will come with your order. The ones marked *ER Exclusive are for Essential Rewards orders only. Which if you’re ordering and NOT on ER, that’s just sillllllly. (It’s a no commitment, customize your box program where you earn points back to use on whatever you choose. It is pretty much the best thing since sliced bread. No really.)

5ml Lime Vitality // 100pv ER Exclusive
Everything tastes better with Lime Vitality! Guacamole. Water. Ningxia. Add it! Did you know that Lime Essential oil is 100 % Bioflavonoid? Yep! Go see what that means for your immune system! It also stimulates the detox pathways and helps with the absorption of Vitamin C. Emotionally, Lime is linked to helping those feelings of lack of motivation. Apply a couple drops of Lime over your lungs- yep! Over your lungs and get some motivation going!

Eucalyptus Radiata // 190pv
Must have for the spring and summer months!!!! Because breathing is awesome. Add to your diffuser or to some cotton balls and place in your shower to awaken those sinuses. This is also the Eucalyptus that smells the most most “spa like” so it’s a wonderful oil to use to relax with. But one of my fave uses that not a lot of people know – it’s amazing for those struggling with grief. We store grief in the lungs so any oil that your lungs like, can help you release and work through those stored emotions of grief.

Peace + Calming // 190pv ER Exclusive
The name literally says it all. So calming and peaceful worn on your body, diffuser jewelry, or diffused. This is a favorite for sleep, relaxation, and that two hours before bedtime when mamas want to rip your hair out. Ever tried to make your own play dough? GREAT for traffic, annoying co-workers, basically anytime you need some Peace + Calming. Emotionally this oil is linked to addiction, argumentativeness, being a victim, sadness, indecisiveness, control and moodiness.

Juniper // 250pv
Juniper is a great oil for cleansing! It’s awesome in your skincare or on itchy dry skin. It’s wonderful to use to cleanse your home of negative energy. Rub it on your sore muscles after a long workout, and over your liver and kidneys. It’s beautiful to diffuse with sage and lavender when you want to have positive energy and happy thoughts. Also, your ears – they like Juniper too! Apply a couple drops behind those ears!

Clarity // 300pv
The perfect blend any time you want to foster feelings of clarity and alertness!! I diffuse Clarity often in my work space, especially when I REALLY need to brainstorm or knock out a giant to-do list! This is also an amazing oil to add to any classroom or homework space! Add a few drops to your diffuser necklace, gently massage into temples or back of neck (careful to avoid the eyes), or simply place a drop in the palm of your hand and inhale this invigorating scent! It is also linked to the emotions of repression and guilt. Neither of those emotions serve us. So grab up some Clarity essential oil and work on that guilt that you need to let go!

Thieves // 300pv
This blend might be Young Living’s most well known blend. Clean all the things with Thieves because nobody likes funk in their lives! Thieves is also a vitality so let’s get real – this is the immune system power house. A couple drops in your tea or in a capsule and . We love to diffuse it, too, for cleaning up the air. It smells like Christmas to me, add some peppermint or orange and you will have your family asking what amazing aroma that is! Here is the truth – friends don’t let friends live without Thieves. Our motto in this team is #thievestheworld…and we mean it! It is a rookie move to ever be without Thieves…I did it once and will never do it again! So help yourself out this month and stock up on some Thieves for FREE.
Which oil are you most excited about ?!!