May PV Promotions

The May PV promotions are here and they are all about that SELF-care!!! Self-care for Mother’s Day, self-care for ditching your products with harsh chemicals out for some charcoal bar soap and AromaBright Toothpaste!! Every month, Young Living releases new PV promos! We get these items for free when we order at the certain PV (usually equal to price) tiers!

Ok… NOW, all about these promos!

THIEVES AROMABRIGHT TOOTHPASTE // 100PV ER: Seriously, a POWERHOUSE in your mouth. It contains no sulfates, synthetic dyes, artificial flavors, or preservatives. Contains no fluoride. Friends, you don’t need fluoride for oral health. It’s a neurotoxin. Let’s stop rubbing that into our gums. Fave usage tip: add a drop of orange vitality essential oil for whitening and brightening. Fav off-label tip: use this as deodorant 🙌🏻

Did you know that Lavender is an Adaptogen? Yup, that’s right. It helps your body adapt to its surroundings by increasing the body’s ability to fight off stress and promoting physiological function. Lavender is great for your skin, refreshing, calming, and gentle for the babies and kids! So wonderful on skin too after a long day out in the sun.

You guys, if you don’t have Patchouli you’re missing out and you’re in for a treat this month. It’s fabulous for your skin, add a drop of to your YL moisturizer at night and watch it do its magic with those fine lines. This oil is also fantastic for sleep. A drop on the back of the neck and you will be 😴😴😴 out. Have feelings of jealousy ? Obsessions? Insecurities? You might need some Patchouli friend. It allows for these feelings to dissipate while it promotes clarity in the mind.

As the weather gets warmer you will LOVE having your Geranium. Add into your moisturizer for radiant skin and you know what else it helps with – removing chlorine from the body. Yup! 🏊‍ Swimming this summer? Apply some Geranium to the bottoms of the feet after you’re done taking a dip. Apply around the ankles for happy hormones. Aromatically this oil help release negative emotions (you see this single oil in many of our feeling kit blends) , it is mood boosting, and fosters peace and hope!

Oh this oil is a TREAT! I am so excited for this! Like regular Cypress, it is calming and grounding. It does wonders for the skin – another oil to add to your moisturizer. It is also great for after shaving! It is found in blends such as Brain Power, Breather-Again Roll on, Highest Potential and Oola Grow – pretty diverse oil, right?!!!

This bar not only smells good, it does wonders for cleansing your skin. Charcoal is known for detoxification and that is why it is such a powerful ingredient in this soap. Our skin is exposed to environmental pollution as well as any harsh chemicals that we put in or on our body. This soap is going to help detox your skin! While many people use this as a face cleanser, I actually keep it in my shower to use all over my body! If you haven’t tried this yet, you will be hooked when you grab it for FREE this month!