May 2020 PV Promos

Whether you are working from home or not, or have kids or not, there is something in here for everyone. Oils for immune support, glowing skin, and energy for days!
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Who loves glowing skin? Spoil yourself with this starter kit oil in the 15 ml size for FREE and make yourself some Glow Serum. Add 10 drops of Frankincense with 5 drops of any other oil great for your skin (manuka, tea tree, Blue Tansy, Rose or Lavender) to a dropper bottle or roller bottle and top with jojoba oil. Apply to fine lines nightly. Frankincense Vitality is also a powerhouse for immune support. This is a staple in our wellness cabinet.Want to know what sets YL frankincense apart? Watch this short video where you can see Gary and and learn more about what kind of Frankincense Young Living uses. Nobody else goes to the source. And nobody else has a distillery in Oman.

This roller is one of our favorites. Roll it right on the neck or shoulders or even near your temples for any head tension. It smells minty and has almost an icy/hot feel! It can help calm stressed nerves, soothe muscles, and also feels energizing topically.

The Swiss Army knife of oils. In my diffuser. On my pillow. On kid’s feet. In the kitchen for any mishaps. Great for your skin, too. Did you know that Lavender is an Adaptogen? Yup, that’s right. It helps your body adapt to its surroundings by increasing the body’s ability to fight off stress and promoting physiological function. Add a few drops (also a vitality oil) in a capsule at night with copaiba vitality & frankincense vitality – helps turn off your brain and gives you the best sleep.
This is an attitude adjustment game changer in a bottle for kids of ALL ages and adults. This is an oil that toddlers, kids, teenagers, and adults need. How often do you think of your kids’ adrenal glands and yours? You know that they get taxed, right? And you can see it clear as day in those bad attitudes. Also our sleep can be negatively affected by stressed adrenals. So we use this over the adrenals daily. I also will put a roller top on this and roll this over my Thyroid daily. Endoflex vitality is a blend that amplifies metabolism and supports your hormones. And we know that we ALL function better when our hormones are supported.

Does anyone want to increase their vitality in life? Yes please, right? Add this to a capsule, take daily, and notice what changes you start seeing! Not only is this an incredible oil to help with the appearance of your skin, this blend contains oils that support so many body systems. It contains thyme which supports your liver, heart, and brain. It has orange oil which contains over 90 % d-limonene – go research that! It has Clove oil which has the highest known antioxidant power as measured by ORAC. And then it contains frankincense. This combo makes this blend a powerful tool for your wellness.

Not on Essential Rewards? WHY NOT?!’s the perfect time to invest in your health and wellness. Young Living makes it easy for us to do just that with these amazing promos!! What are you most excited for this month?!