Essential Rewards!

I am so excited to talk to you all about one of my favorite things Young Living offers us: ESSENTIAL REWARDS (ER)!

When I started with Young Living, I knew I wanted to kick the chemicals out of my home and switch to higher quality products. The problem is, as a college student, I couldn’t afford to do that all in one fell swoop! Essential Rewards allows me to budget for my oils and other Young Living products, letting me slowly (but surely) kick the toxins out of my home! Instead of shopping at Target, I grab the things I use daily (face wash, shampoo, lotion, etc.) from Young Living! With Essential Rewards, I get safer products, I save a trip to the store, AND I save money! Total win-win!


Who loves happy mail?! I know. EVERYONE does! On Essential Rewards, I get happy mail every single month! Essential Rewards is a subscription based service just like Ipsy, Birchbox, etc. but on ER, you get to CHOOSE what you get each month! A customizable monthly wellness box? Yes please!

For details on Essential Rewards, watch this quick video I put together:

What’s even better than getting a monthly wellness box of happy mail every month? Getting FREE STUFF to go with it! Stay tuned to learn how you can earn #allthefreethings



Feast your eyes on the glory that IS Essential Rewards! Points back? Check. Free gifts? Check. Flexibility? Check. No Brainer? Check!



Are you thinking “But I don’t have any extra money to go towards Young Living products right now.” Well, listen up!

Okay, let’s be honest here. How many of us could spend hours in Target? Yeah? Me too. BUT Target does not have nearly the same quality of products that Young Living does!

Let’s talk transfer buying! Transfer buying means taking all the stuff you used to shop for at Target (shampoo, lotion, laundry soap, household cleaner, granola bars, vitamins, etc.), and buying it on ER instead! Let’s break this down. You spend money that you were ALREADY spending, you just spend it on your Essential Rewards order, meaning you get points back for FREE stuff! Even better? You didn’t get distracted and drop a ton of money in the dollar spot at Target! #score

This is called transfer buying because you are spending the SAME amount of money, just in a different place! This means you are getting products that are better for you and better for your family as well!

Sh. Don’t tell Target…



The products in your home are (sing it with me!) *killing you softly with toxins*

Take the time today to visit or download the Think Dirty app. They have databases full of products and show the chemical content in each as well as what they can do to your health. #scary. Search for or scan the products you use on a daily basis. I promise, you’ll be shocked.

It’s time to make the switch. Using Essential Rewards, you can slowly switch out all the harmful products in your home while saving money.

Here is a list of items that most likely contain well-known carcinogens (you’ll want to switch these first).

  • Face wash
  • Laundry Soap
  • Deodorant
  • Toothpaste
  • Dryer Sheets
  • Air Fresheners
  • Household Cleaners
  • Hand soap
  • Body wash
  • Vitamins
  • Shampoo
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Perfume
  • Chapstick
  • Lipstick

“I’m overwhelmed!” I know, it can be a lot! But with the help of Essential Rewards, you can choose 1-2 things to switch out each month and in no time, you’ll have a house full of toxin-free products!

Take time now to write a list of items you’d like to ditch and switch!



Did you know that you could place a 50 or 100PV (or more!) Essential Rewards order every month and not pay a dime? YUP. There are two ways to do this.

  1. Be a friend! Help a sista out! If you don’t want all the chemical-filled products in your house, chances are, neither do your friends! Reach out to your friend, your neighbor, your mom, ANYONE, and offer to let them add onto your order! You’ll hit that 50PV minimum and you won’t have to pay the whole thing!
  2. Help a friend get started with Young Living! Did you know that Young Living will send you a $50 thank you check for every friend you help get a Premium Starter Kit? YEAH! If you help 1-2 friends join Young Living a month, you get ALL of your products that month paid for! Win-win!

Now, write down  a list of friends or family who you know need oils or other YL products in their lives!



“But I don’t know where to start. There are SO many oils!”

That’s okay! Talk to your sponsor about your goals and they’ll help you figure it out!

Check out the video above to hear about a few of my favorite oils and products outside the kit!

  • Thieves Cleaner Concentrate- cleaning #allthethings
  • Thieves Laundry Soap- safe, toxin-free laundry!
  • Thieves Hand Purifier- clean hands!
  • Lavender Hand & Body Lotion- smells amazing, so soft, and great at night for sleep!
  • Super B- B vitamin, energy, mood, positivity!
  • Savyy Minerals Makeup- all the foxy with none of the toxy! Start with lipgloss!
  • Cedarwood- for sleep support
  • NINGXIA RED- energy and nutrients!
  • Life 9- happy gut
  • Lime- YUM
  • Deep Relief- relax those muscles
  • Peace & Calming- sleep/relax/tantrum-buster/everything
  • Orange- keeping you happy!
  • Tea Tree- blemishes, cleaning
  • Valor- emotional support & confidence

The list goes on and on…



Young Living has bundled some of their most popular products together in kits to help save you even MORE money! These kits are available exclusively for ER members! Check out the video above to learn about them!



That’s a wrap!

While it can be a long process, Essential Rewards makes it so much easier (and cheaper) to swap out the yuck in our homes for something better.

Are you ready to sign up? Great! Go online or call to join! Don’t worry, if for any reason you ever want to quit (why? I’ll never know.), you can call anytime to cancel! Just be sure to spend all your points before you cancel so you don’t lose them!

YAY, friends! You made it! Now jump on ER and have fun #ditchingandswitching