Premium Starter Kit Oils

The Premium Starter Kit is just that, a STARTer kit! It gives you everything you need to begin living a healthier lifestyle with Young Living without being overwhelmed! The Premium Starter Kit comes with 11 oils, a diffuser of your choice, two servings of Ningxia Red,  lots of samples and information, and a 24% off discount of everything you buy in the future!

Kit Oils:

Thieves Vitality – the healthy-keeper. It boosts our immune systems and tastes great in coffee or tea! Thieves purifies the air, cleans the house, and it smells like Christmas! Young Living’s household cleaning line is formulated with Thieves essential oil!

Citrus Fresh Vitality – Citrus Fresh gets rid of bad odors and smells amazing! Diffuse it while cooking fish or make a spray and spritz your stinky gym bag, dog, or shoes! Citrus Fresh Vitality is also my favorite addition to water!

Valor– one of the best oils for emotional support! Use to promote courage and confidence. Also called “chiropractor in a bottle”, this oil is great for supporting your muscles! Valor is wonderful for kids as well as adults who have occasional anxiety.

Frankincense – incredible for glowing and smooth skin! Diffuse during times of meditation or prayer for a sense of grounding. Frankincense Vitality also boosts the immune system and supports normal cellular health!

Raven – contains ravensara, wintergreen, lemon, and eucalyptus radiata to help you breathe easy all year. Add a few drops to coconut oil and rub on your chest for a cooling sensation. Diffuse Raven with Citrus Fresh for a refreshing aroma that will open you up in no time.

DiGize Vitality– supports a healthy digestive system when taken internally. DiGize essential oil can also be used topically over the stomach during bumpy car rides or other times of need.

Lemon Vitality– adds amazing flavor to water, helps detox the body of built up pollutants. Diffuse Lemon essential oil for a mood and energy boost!

Peace & Calming– diffuse or rub on your feet for the best sleep of your life! Peace & Calming is so good for helping you calm down when you’re overwhelmed. Also called “tantrum tamer”, this oil is wonderful to use on crazy kids!

Stress Away – takes all your stress away! I roll it onto my wrists and the back of my neck anytime I need it!

Peppermint Vitality – supports digestive system when taken internally. Add 5 drops to brownie batter for a yummy treat! Peppermint essential oils also helps me enjoy springtime outdoors and keeps my head and muscles happy!

Panaway – dilute with carrier oil and rub onto overworked muscles. Takes care of all your ‘pan’ (and I’m not talking about the ones in your kitchen)!

Lavender – “the Swiss Army knife of essential oils.” Great for relaxation,  sleep support, a calm environment for kids, and all things skin!

***You’ll notice that some oils in your kit have white labels. These are part of Young Living’s Vitality line which are labeled for internal use. The essential oil in the white labeled bottles is the exact same oil in the regular bottles. Per FDA regulations, oils can not be labeled for both topical and internal use so Young Living created the Vitality line!

Thieves Waterless Hand Santizier– perfect to use on the go to keep your hands clean! Kills 99.9% of germs without all the toxins in your tradtional hand sanitizer!

Ningxia Red – Young Living’s antioxidant powerhouse supplement drink! Drink just 2 oucnes a day for amazing energy, immunse support, and full-body wellness! I highly recommend you add a two-pack of Ningxia Red to your Essential Rewards order when you first join! Once you try those two pouches from your kit, you’re not going to want to go without it!

Thieves Spray– use this to kill all the things on commonly touched surfaces in your home like light switches and door knobs! I love using it on the go on my hands, public toilets, or restaurant tables!

Desert Mist Diffuser – featuring a beautiful Morocan pattern design, this diffuser runs for up to ten hours and has eleven different  light modes, including “candle-flicker”. This is my favorite diffuser and is the least expensive being included with the kit at the $160 price point!

Ready to get your kit? Head here to order! I’m excited to welcome you to our community!